Homeschool Your Child With
Confidence and Joy from Day 1

Dear new homeschool parent who just signed up for the adventure of a lifetime...

Before you start scouring Pinterest, blog posts, and Facebook groups for answers...

Before you go to your first homeschool convention and walk for hours to booth after booth...

I want to prepare you for what's about to come next.

I want to tell you about the three homeschool killers. They gnaw away the joy, happiness, and fun from learning like aphids in your garden.

They have three names: Consistency, Motivation, and Burnout.

But we have good news we'll share with you below: there is a cure for these three killers.

Best of all, this solution costs less than $7/mo for your entire family.

Before I explain how, do you ever feel yourself asking...

- "What is the best way to teach my kids?"

- "How do I ensure that any gaps from school are 'filled'?"

- "How do I help my children reach their full potential and become lifelong learners?"

New homeschoolers can feel like they don't have a clear path.

Kids who don't learn via traditional schooling methods have an even harder time. Kids with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and more are ignored by most curricula. Big publishing companies don't cater to our at-risk learners. Most homeschool textbooks follow their approach to learning. We often call this "school at home" instead of "homeschool." The problem is these methods don't teach in ways that kids crave most.

Most curricula only teach with one or two learning styles. This is very hard for kids to get. They like to move around, touch things, dance to songs, and draw pictures to learn. They learn with all their senses.

Traditional curricula forces them to learn lessons "the hard way" with...

- Worksheets


- Memorizing tables

- Writing exercises

- Tests

Slowly, this robs kids of the joy, happiness, and fun they could have while learning. These tools turn your child into a moody, stubborn, and tear-filled version of your kids. Homeschool becomes a chore instead of a treat.

Twenty years ago, ShillerLearning decided there had to be a better fit for families. We took the Montessori-based approach added our own twist.

We found our own cure to the three killers Motivation, Consistency, and Burnout. Our approach teaches kids with all four learning styles:

Kids are already learning in ways they love. They'll be learning arithmetic while throwing a ball. They'll be learning words that start with 'C' while playing with play-dough.

In fact, our methods are so effective at teaching that we guarantee they'll LOVE learning. Once you try our and follow the approach, you may not be able to tell the difference when they are playing... and when they are focused on new math or language arts lessons.

In the process we also removed the burden of lesson prep from parents. Our lessons save you hours each week by being scripted. Finding consistency in your homeschool is easy when you have a simple-to-do plan every day.

New parents like you will love this the most. Past homeschool parents have coined our approach as "open-and-go." It works like this:

1. Open the book to the lesson.

2. Place the manipulatives from your kit in front of your child.

3. Go through it step-by-step without spending hours studying a lesson!

As your kids get older, you'll notice them read entire lessons without needing your help. And this reinforces the key Montessori value of independent learning. Parents love this because it takes a job off your plate. You'll notice less stress right away.


Your homeschool will look and feel like playtime. Your kids will experience the joy, discovery, and pleasure of learning while they are little. Leave behind the homeschool killers Motivation, Consistency, and Burnout.

All you need to do is pick the right kit for your child's age and subject below. We have math and language arts covered.

Take a look inside our kits to see what I mean. Remember my guarantee: they'll love learning in 30 days or your money back. All you have to lose is a few hours learning something the fun way.

See Inside Our Montessori-Based Kits


Proven Montessori-Based Curricula

- Designed for Homeschoolers

- Zero Lesson Preparation

- One Kit Serves Every Child in the Family

- Works for All Students

- Free Consumable Downloads with Kits


How ShillerLearning Works?

Learn new concepts using Montessori's proven Three Period Lesson.

Use all the senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) to deeply understand the concept.

Apply new knowledge with puzzles, games, and multi-sensory activities

Prescriptive tests pinpoint holes and the lessons to fix them.