FREE Winter Printable Pack With Literature Works

FREE Winter Printable Pack With Literature Works

Did You Get Your Recipe for A Winter Literature Pack?

Winter has arrived and we are thrilled to bring you these fun activities for kids to complete this winter. Inspired by the Montessori method, we've cooked up a lovely blend of literature based works for you. Enjoy!

Servings: 17 Montessori Works (Make sure to share the results and fun with your friends!)

Time: Varies by age and ability of child.


Combine all of the above with a lot of love, fun, patience, excitement and joy. Blend in shelf works and sensory bins from home, if desired. Season with a dash of warm & cozy to ensure you get the full wintery effect. Upon completion, you’ll find you’ve completed counting, graphing, games, measuring, writing activities, a bucket list, stitching and more.  

This is best served alongside a desire to learn together (and a cup of hot cocoa or tea).  


Here is a sneak peak at some of the things we think you’ll love:

  • 100% FREE

  • Preschoolers through Middle Schoolers can all enjoy

    • You’ll find activities that appeal to a wide range of ages and that your older kids can work on with your younger children.

  • Designed to be used as standalone works

    • For those of you who do have our curriculum, we include some suggestions from our materials. You will still be able to use these packs without them though.

  • Print & Go, very little prep-work required. Just gather the needed supplies.

  • A great way to ease back in from your break

    • This pack combines traditional Montessori works with STEM activities and some tasty treats, it’s a great way to ease back into school after your winter break.  

  • Tasty!!!

    • We’ve got a couple yummy treats included in this pack too :)

  • Literature based

    • These works are all based around some popular winter books. Your local library should have them all for you to enjoy & many have been made into short movies as well.


  • Warm & Cozy

    • This time of year, it’s nice to cozy up and stay warm. We’re bringing you works that will help you stay warm and cozy in the depth of winter!

  • Fun & Games

    • We’ve got several fun games that the whole family can enjoy together

Make sure to let us know what you think about it on the ShillerLearning Facebook page or Larry’s Club Facebook Group. If you share photos on Instagram, make sure to tag us @ShillerMath We hope you enjoy! Don’t forget, we’ll have a new FREE Printable pack every month for you.


See Inside Our Montessori-Based Kits

Math Kit I - PreK to 3rd Grade

Language Arts A - PreK to 1st Grade

Amanda Osenga

Amanda is a former Montessori teacher who is now homeschooling her only child, a seven-year-old boy. Her family resides in an Airstream that is parked in Washington. She loves Washington's outdoor opportunities. When she’s not schooling, she also blogs at, works as a Virtual Assistant and loves reading and creating hand-lettering pieces.

The Treehouse Daily >


Audrey McCormick

Audrey is a busy homeschool mom of 6, preacher’s wife, and the founder of David’s Gift, a non-profit organization that provides funds for funeral expenses for children. She was born and raised in northwest Louisiana, where she is also raising her family. When she has a little free time, she enjoys camping, hiking, scrapbooking, and other crafts. You can follow Audrey’s adventures on her blog  

Beautiful Grace. >
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