Give Yourself Grace

Give Yourself Grace

Homeschooling looks a little different in every single home.


It’s so easy to see a picture-perfect social media post about another family’s schooling experience and feel like a failure when you compare it to your real-life everyday. Let me assure you, that NO ONE is better equipped than you to love and find the best way to teach your children. Whether you are full-time homeschooling, hybrid or virtual learning, some days are just messy. Whether home educating is your way of life or you were thrown into it suddenly by a worldwide pandemic, YOU have what it takes to help your kids learn.


Stop for one minute. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now let go of the idea that your homeschool should look like anyone else's. Let go of the idea that your homeschool should look like a public or private school. Trust yourself. Trust your children. You can figure this out.


As your family works together to choose what is important, remember that nobody can do it all. Give yourself grace for the days nothing goes as planned and realize; these days were still about learning, it was just a different lesson than you anticipated.


Give your kids grace too. Hug them, read to them, let them read to you. Get out math manipulatives and discover together. Cook something fun and talk about measurement. Go for a walk. Drop sticks in a puddle or a creek.


Life is short and you are so fortunate to have these days to grow and learn together. Teach your kids to be gentle with themselves by letting them see you be gentle with yourself.


Catherine Donnelly

Catherine began her formal education journey in Montessori preschool. Following a short stint in regular school she was homeschooled from 5th grade on. After being her college's first homeschooled graduate, she and her husband decided upon home education for their five children. 27 years, and many adventures later, she is till homeschooling their youngest 3 children. The foundation of Maria Montessori's principles have been a consistent thread throughout their learning journey and Catherine was delighted to discover Shiller Learning and join forces with them in 2020. In her sparse free moments she can be found reading with her children (or hiding in a corner reading by herself); writing articles for her blog, books or various clients; playing with her children; or dressing up in various time period costumes and traveling to historical sites.

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